2015: Let the Adventure Begin

I {resolutely} intended to ignore all the hoopla about resolutions and choosing a word for the year. Even though I love words and usually get excited about pondering one for an entire year, I didn’t have one. 

I thought about it for weeks but nothing came to mind. I prayerfully asked God if he had a word for me. 

Silence. Nothing.

So I figured this year would probably be just fine without a word. No one I knew was making resolutions or choosing a word so I didn't feel out of the loop.

Instead I thought about how I could approach the year to cultivate new habits and practice some improvements. 

I’m slowly becoming more attuned to how God is illuminating the places that need growth, the rough edges that need smoothed, and the dull spots that need shined, but I get discouraged when I fail.

I wondered if maybe a year was too long. What if my mindset was to enjoy all a day brought to me, even the not-so-good parts? Maybe I could restart every 24 hours with my good intentions and begin again the next morning. 

What if I also extended a little grace to myself during that day so I could repeat my attempts at what I wanted to change with every sunrise and every nightfall? Maybe this resetting could replace my outlook of wanting to give up when I stumble.

And since I especially liked this idea of replacing, I extended it to include the decor in my house. 

I’ve been thinking of modernizing {just a little} my vintage scheme. I don’t want to move out of vintage-ville completely, but I’d like to head in the direction of trendy-town for a more contemporary flair to my house.

Years ago when I rented my first apartment on a tight budget, I filled it with hand-me-downs from my mother, thrift store finds, and contributions from friends. 

Some of this stuff was still hanging around my house and needed replacing, so my sister and I made a trip to HomeGoods. We took our time deliberating over our selections and couldn’t wait to see how they looked. 

When we got home, my brother-in-law asked where we went. We said HomeGoods. He said yes, he knew that’s where we started, but where else did we go? We said nowhere. He said, “You were there for four hours?”

We looked at each other. Were we gone for four hours? We shrugged and said we guessed so. He asked what on earth we did.

We said we circled the store, assembling a group of tables to evaluate. We parked the cart in the art aisle to weed out the pictures and mirrors we had pulled off the shelves for consideration. We rested on chairs in the furniture section so we could discuss the pros and cons of everything we were buying.

“Huh,” he said, shaking his head. “I guess it was a perfect day out for you girls.”

It really was. So far focusing on embracing just one day and all it offered was working pretty well. 

But just when I thought I wouldn’t have a word for 2015, on the second day of January a word came to my mind. 


Renew? It kind of sounded like a miracle cream to chase away wrinkles {which I am all for, by the way}, so I wondered if maybe I should focus on younger-looking skin for 2015. 

But when I typed the word in my online dictionary, I read this:

I suddenly realized that word wrapped up all the ideas that had been twirling around in my head. 

And then I remembered. 

During the past few days I’d read the verses in Romans about being transformed by the renewing of your mind. 

And through this renewing, you’ll be able to test and approve what God’s will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will. 

And I didn't just read those verses once. They kept showing up over the next few days.

The Message version puts it this way:

Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.

That is what I want for 2015.

I want to take my ordinary days and enjoy them and invite God to be a part of them. 

My word for the year was a little late in coming, but it actually arrived right on time. I hadn’t known it but I’d already started the new year replacing, repeating and resuming -- much of what my one word will inspire me to think about as I travel through all the days of this year. 

The word renew will be my guide.

And I eventually did find someone who made a resolution for the new year. 

My nephew who turned eleven over the holidays, got an iPod touch for his birthday. With just three numbers in his contact list – his mother, dad and me –I’ve been the recipient of his fledgling texts from his very own device. 

When he sent me a Happy New Year’s text, I asked him if he’d made a resolution.

He texted back yes, he sure did. He planned to eat more pancakes. 

I think that sounds like a very delicious plan for a new year, don’t you think? The perfect treat while I arrange my new purchases to adorn my home.

Did you make a resolution or choose one word for this year? Share it with us in the comments!

I'm linking up with my friends at Holley Gerth's place at Coffee for Your Heart. Hop over for more inspiration!


  1. Renew...very nice!

    I must say your pictures are just beautiful!

    1. Emily,
      Thanks for stopping by -- I so appreciate you reading! :)

  2. This is wonderful! Still praying for my word- Feeling a bit cluttered -if you know what I mean- Trusting He is show me one, in time, if not its ok too- Thanks for this today!

    1. Hi Susie,
      Happy New Year! I feel sure a word will come to you, too! So grateful for your encouragement here.

  3. Loved visiting with you today, Valerie. And 4 hours in Home Goods? Yeah ... I get it!

    I don't have a WORD this year. Hasn't worked for me the last two. But I do have an UNword. Impatient.

    Waiting patiently to see how this all unfolds ...


    1. Linda,
      I just love your UNword! I have plenty of UNwords for the new year too! Thanks for visiting with me -- always love having you here! :)

  4. I love those days with my sister and I and no one else! So much laughing (and she only bosses me a little!)
    My word is abide and it found me after I had decided to just continue to get to know Jesus more and more. Now I can't get away from the word!

    1. Sarah,
      Isn't a sister-shopping day the best?! And I love the word abide -- what a lovely aspiration for the year!

  5. I LOVE your word!! Renew : ) My word is Anchor this year. ♥ I love how God will reinforce an idea a few times so we can make sure we get it! Happy New Year Valerie! I can't wait to see how your word plays out in your life (and home!) this year! ♥

    1. Heather,
      I just love the word anchor and all the meanings it can inspire for our lives! Yes, I love God's personal confirmations to us too -- they are amazing, aren't they?!

  6. Love your article - and pics. Renew is to make like new again - back to how we originally felt about our relationship with God in it's newness and blessings. Great word - looking forward to upcoming articles and pics........you simply amaze me with your talents and insights!

    1. Sharon,
      So nice to have you back and reading! :) Missed you around here and thank you for your always-sweet words!

  7. I am so loving all of your photos and your goals for the new year. We are definitely all blessed and this was wonderful to read. I wish you an amazing 2015

    1. Hi Kay,
      So nice to have you kick off 2015 with me! Thanks so much for reading -- I'm grateful for you!


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